Access Policy
Bluejay Therapeutics is dedicated to developing potentially life-changing therapeutics for serious viral and liver diseases.
Expanded Access (also referred to as Compassionate Use) is a potential pathway for patients with immediately life-threatening diseases or conditions to obtain investigational products outside of a clinical trial. Currently, Bluejay Therapeutics does not have an expanded access program for any of our investigational products. We believe that the best way to gain access to an investigational product is through participation in a clinical trial. Information about our current clinical trials will be posted on
We understand that not all patients are able to participate in a clinical trial and may be interested in accessing our investigational products prior to regulatory approval through expanded access programs. We are working to rapidly complete clinical studies to secure approval and access to our therapies for all patients in need.
If you have any questions, please contact We anticipate acknowledging receipt of inquiries within ten business days.
Consistent with the 21st Century Cures Act, the posting of this policy does not serve as a guarantee of access to any specific investigational products by any individual patient. Bluejay Therapeutics reserves the right to revise this expanded access policy at any time. To the extent we can accommodate expanded access requests at a later date, we will provide general criteria for evaluating such requests. This posting will be updated to reflect any policy change.